Saltcoats Public School Students 1949

Adair David - Allan David - Allan Irene - Allan ? - Allen Betty - Alsop Barbara - Amis Dorothy - Anderson lanAnderson Jack - Anderson Matthew Anderson Nancy - Anderson Tom - Anderson ?- Andrew David - Andrew Eliz - Andrew Margt - Archibald Jean - Armour Babs  Atkinson Edward Atkinson Mrgt - Atkinson Roy - Axton Etta ?

Bailey Chrissie - Baillie George - Baillie Cynthia - Bain Marion - Bain Pat - Baird Helen - Ball Jack - Ball ReneeBarr Agnes - Barr Janette - Barr Susan - Barr Tom - Battersby Jim - Baxter Bessie - Baxter Janette - Baxter JasBell Andrew - Bell Margaret - Bennett Nan - Benton Mairi - Benton Robt - Birch Jim - Birch John - Birch NeilBirch Tom - Black George - Black Margt - Blackwood Isobel - Blades Jim - Blades Tom - Blair John - Blair Sadie - Bone Kenneth - Borland Alex  - Borland Gerald - Boyd Agnes - Boyd Aileen - Boyd Gladys  Boyd Isa - Boyd RobertBoyd Tom - Boyd William ? - Boyle Anna - Boyle Henry - Boyle Josephine - Brian Beth - Brierley Jas - Brodie Eleanor - Brodie Mrgt - Brown Betty - Brown John - Brown John - Brown Margt - Brown Ray - Bruce Janet - Bruce Mary - Bruce Matt  Bryan Alex - Buchanan Bobby - Buchanan ? - Burns Tom - Burns William

Cairnie Janette  Cairnie Jas - Cairns Ian - Calder Janet - Cambridge William - Campbell Andrew - Campbell JohnCampbell Malcolm  Campbell Mrgt? - Campbell Walter - Carson Findlay - Carson Kay - Clark Robt - Closs Sadie - Coleridge ? - Colquhoun Moria - Conn Isa – Connelly Alex  Connelly Jean - Cook Alex - Cook Billy - Cook Jean - Cook Nancy - Corbett Mary? - Cowan Matthew - Craig David - Craig John ? - Craig Robert  Crawford Hugh - Cree George - Crichton Mrgt - Cunningham Alison - Cunningham Lesley - Cunningham Myra  Curlett David? - Curlett Magt  Cuthbert Bob

Dailly Sadie - Dale Anna - Dale Jane - Dale Jane - Dallas Billy - Davidson Billy - Davidson Cath - Davidson Marion - Dawson Mary - Dick Mary - Dickie Alex - Dickie George - Dickie Jessie - Dickie June - Dickie Magt - Dickie Mary - Dickson Andrew - Dickson Ann - Dodds George - Donaldson David  Drummond Amy - Duff Sally - Duncan Ronald

Ealey? Josephine - Early Brian - Earley James - Elliot Alison - Elliot Geoffrey

Farrell Denise - Fleming John - Ferguson John - Ferguson Marion - Ferrol Jean - Findlay John - Findlay Mary - Findlay Tom - Finnie Alistair - Finnie Jim - Forbes Margt - Forbes William - Forrester David - Forrester Martha - Fray John

Galloway Ian - Galloway Irene - Gardiner Greta - Gardiner Ian - Gemmell Matthew - Gillan Georgie - Grieg John - Gibb Hugh - Gibson Barbara  Gibson Marrion - Gow Harry - Grove Mary - Grove William - Guthrie Billy - Guthrie Isabelle

Haggarty Mgt - Haggarty Tom - Hair Alex - Hall Hamilton - Hamilton Alex - Hamilton Billy - Hamilton BillyHamilton Fulton - Hamilton Hamish - Hamilton Mae - Hamilton Mrgt - Hamilton Moria - Hamilton Sam -Hammond Eliz

Ingram Murray - Irvine Ellday - Irvine Mrgt - Irvine Sylvia

Jackson Ann - Jackson Ann - Jackson Ian - Jackson Ian - Jackson Mgt - Jackson Jean - Jenkins Jean - Johnston Amie - Johnston Benny  Johnston Helen - Johnston Peter

Keddie Sadie - Kelly John - Kelly Maureen - Kelly Robert - Kerr Billy - King Joy

Lamb Helen - Lambie Billy - Lambie Goldie - Laughlan Angus - Laughlan Arthur - Laughlan George - Laughlan Marion - Laughlan Robert - Lawson Mary - Lawson Nancy - Lawson Robt - Lee Hector - Levy Colin - Lewis Jean - Lindsay Jim - Lindsay Ruth - Luke Isobel  Lyon Jim

MacDonald Jean - MacDonald Isobel - MacDonald Sadie - Mackie Albert - Mackie Ian - Maclachlan Agnes - Maclachlan Eliz - Maclachlan Hector Maclachlan Mary - Marshall Ann - Marshall Magt - Martin Jim - Mathieson Don - Mathieson Gordon - Mathieson James  Mathieson Janet - Mathieson Ron - Maxwell Jim - McAllister Archie - McAllister Elma - McAllister Janette - McAllister John - McAuslan Alex  McAuslan Jean - McAvoy Tilly - McCabe Janet - McCallion Shirley - McCallum Ann - McCallum Betty - McCallum Billy - McCallum Eliz  McCallum Georgie - McCallum  Jean - McCallum Mrgt McCallum Mary - McCallum Mary - McCallum Robert - McCallum Robert - McCallum Robert  McCallum Sandy - McCallum Stewart - McCann? George - McCormack Anna - McCormack Morag - McCracken George  McCreadie Hugh - McCulloch Agnes - McCulloch John - McCulloch Margt - McDermid Jim - McEwan Sadie - McGaw Cecilia  McGhee Adrew  McGivern Janice - McGivern Jean - McGivern Tessa? - McGowan Mary - McGregor Ann McGuiness Ann - McLaren Magt  McLaren Russel - McLean Beth - McLelland Ellen - McLennan Andrew - McLennan Jim - McLennan Jim  McLennan JimMcLennan Norman  McLennan obt - McLelland Sally - McLymont Alex - McMillan Agnes - McMillan Bobby - McMillan Greg?  McMillan Netta  McMillan Robert  McMillan Ruby - McMillan Tom - McMillan William - McNight Sean? - McPhee John - McPherson Mgt  McPherson Tom  McSkilling Wm  McVey Margt - McWhirter Anthony - Melville Helen - Menzies Christine - Middleton Adam - Millar Alistair - Millar Ian  Millar Jean - Millar Kenneth - Miller Margo - Miller Rita - Miller Rosemary? - Mitchell Ian - Mitchell Ronnie - Moorhead Etta - Morrison George - Mortimer Agnes  Morton Bobby  Moule George - Muir David - Muir Eric - Muir Helen - Muir Margt - Muir Nancy - Mumford Chris - Mumford William  Munn Billy - Murdoch Margt - Murray Ian - Murray Margt

Ness David - Ness Don - Ness Ethal - Nichol Jean - Nicol Gilbert - Nicol Sadie - Nicol Sheena - Nisbett Jim - Nixon Robert - Northcote May

O'Donnell Fay - O'Neill Dugald?

Padden Rita - Paterson JosephPaterson Nina - Paterson Tom - Paton Edith - Paton John - Patrick Frank - Patrick John - Paxton Greta - Paxton Jemima - Payne Lilian - Pettigrew Elsie - Phillips Bobby - Phillips Owen - Pllu Charles - Pluu Gavin - Pollock Janette - Porter Anna - Porter Jean  Porter JosephPritchard Evelyn - Pritchard Maurice

Queen Billy - Quinn Tom

Rae Anita? - Rae Joan - Ralston Marrion - Rainey Alan - Rainey Anne - Rainey Irwin - Rainey Jessie - Rainey Suzanne - Reid Alex - Reid Annie  Reid Craig - Reid Margt - Reid Margt - Reid Margt - Rice Jim - Richmond Helen - Richmond John - Robb Alex - Robertson Jas  Robertson Jas - Robertson Jim - Robertson Neil - Robertson Pat - Roger Anne? - Roger William - Rolly Mgt - Ronald John - Rourke David - Route Mildred - Route Tom - Roy Betty - Ruddock Cornelia - Russell Douglas - Russell Moira - Russell William

Saunders John - Saunders Robt - Scott Gay - Scott Isobel - Scott Joan - Scott John - Scott Nancy - Shedden Eliz - Sillars malcolm  Simpson George - Sinclair Helen - Sinclair Peter - Skillen Eliz – Skillin Robin - Skimming Margt - Slavin ? Sadie - Smale Helen - Smale John - Smith Grace - Smith Jean  Smith Mary - Smith Robin - Smith? Tom - Sproat Gordon - Sproat Ian - Sproat Ronnie - Steele Angus  Stevenson Allan - Stevenson Betty Stevenson BettyStevenson Jas - Stevenson Marion - Stevenston madge - Stewart Ann - Stewart Margaret - Stewart Myra - Street Jane - Street Winnie  Stringfellow Sam - Stroyan Allan - Stroyan Cath

Tait Bobby - Taylor Jean - Taylor Jim - Telford George - Temple Nan - Thomson Billy - Thomson Grace - Thomson Ina - Thomson? James - Thomson Jean - Thomson John - Thomson Kenneth - Thomson Lesley - Thomson Myra

Unknown Georgina - Unknown Maud - Unknown Tom

Walker Jim - Wallace David - Wallace Neil - Wardrop Ann - Wardrop betty - Wardrope? Jim - Waterson John - Watson Nancy - Welsh Billy - Whyte Martha - Whyte Myra - Whyte Nan - Wilkins? Sam - Williams Bobby - Williamson David - Williamson Tom - Wilson Florence  Wilson James - Wilson Jas - Wilson Marjorie - Wilson Nicholas - Withnall Margt - Wright Stephen

Young David - Young John - Young Mrgt - Younger Wm - Yuille David

Photocopy images courtesy of Scott McCallum
formerly of Saltcoats