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Herald Files - Snippets from the Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald

February 10, 1899  
Mr RS Barbour, Ardrossan has sold the red-stone double cottage in Eglinton Street, A Glasgow man has bought one half and    Captain John Kerr, Ardrossan the other.

Mr Matthew Cunningham, Stevenston, died on Monday at the age of 83. he was originally a weaver and latterly kept a draper's shop in Boglemart Street. he held the position of gas rates collector for 36 years.

On Monday, Mr John Orr of Bridge Street, Kilbirnie, died. He was a poet of no mean order.

Mr James Allan of balnacoole presided at the annual Arran reunion in Glasgow.

Upwards of 70 people have applied for the post of headmaster of Westend School in Dalry.

February 17, 1899
At the annual meeting of the UP Church, Mr Arthur Guthrie in the chair congratulated the members on having attained, possibly in the first time of the church's history, to the position of owing nothing.

Among those present from Ardrossan at the annual ball of the Marine Department of the G & SW Railway Company at Greenock were Mr John Allison jnr, Mr William Martin, Mr William Frew, station master, and Mr Charles Murchie merchant.

Corporal Hugh Shedden, "F" Company, Dalry, has been declared champion shot of the 1st Batt RSF for the past year with 283 points, 12 points higher than the next man.

Four Kilbirnie farmers met four Dalry farmers in a curling match at Dalry and won by five shots. The Dalry men then challenged their opponents to a match for a load of meal but they refused to play at Kilbirnie and the game fell through. The Kilbirnie men, as victors in the first instance, are now looking Dalry way expecting the arrival of the meal.

February 24, 1899
Mr John Douglas, slater, Saltcoats, who has had considerable experience as a choirmaster, has been appointed choirmaster in Saltcoats Free Church.

At a marriage presentation from Ardrossan Parish Council to Mr Ritchie, inspector of Poor, Mr Alex Hamilton presided and among the speakers were Baillie Harvey, Baillie Miller, Mr Morris, Mr Gilroy, Captain Torrance , Mr Hugh Currie and Mr JB Aitken.

The Ardrossan squad won the G & SWR Ambulance Challenge Cup and were given an enthusiastic reception on arrival in town on Saturday night.

Mr Walter Dymock has been elected captain of West Kilbride Cycle Club and Mr Robert Craig vice-captain.

The Rev Archibald Hunter, assistant Kilpatrick parish, has been elected minister of Cambuslang he is a native of Lamlash.

Mr James Patterson was elected captain of Kilwinning and Eglinton Cycle Club and Mr Robert Craig (see above) vice captain.

St Bridget's Dramatic and Musical Society, Kilbirnie, produced "The Octoroom" on Monday and Tuesday evenings.

March 3, 1899
School attendance in Ardrossan was well maintained in Ardrossan Parish in spite of an outbreak of influenza.

Sir Herbert Maxwell was giving a good deal of attention to his "Life of Wellington," which he hope to have ready by the summer.

The annual re-union of employees of the G & SW Railway Company in the neighbourhood took place in the Assembly Hall, Ardrossan.

Another effort was to be made in Stevenston, in the form of a concert, to wipe off the deficit still remaining on the bridge and fountain.

It came as a shock to Beith residents to learn that the pipes between the reservoir and filters were made of pipe-clay material and the resulting leakage was proving this to be false economy.

A petition to the G & SW Railway Company was proposed with regard to increased accommodation at Stevenston Station.

March 10, 1899
Last night a meeting was held in the Town Hall, Saltcoats, for the purpose of inaugurating a testimonial to Dr Kinnier, who this month completes 50 years service as a medical practitioner in the town.

Saltcoats monthly JP Court had to be adjourned last Friday, none of the three justices whose turn it was to sit, having put in an appearance.

An Ardrossan Dean of Guild Court on Monday, plans were passed for the contemplated extensions at the Academy, these embrace a laboratory, a workshop, and classrooms. The cost is likely to be around 2000 pounds.

Kilwinning people are saying that trafficking on the pavements with barrows is a nuisance for which a remedy is sought.

On Friday evening last Miss Lizzie Hunter of Saltcoats appeared before a large and appreciative audience at Leeds, who gave a gratifying reception to this talented Scotch contralto.

March 24, 1899
At the annual meeting of Irvine Golf Club, Mr James Stewart, Heathfield, was re-elected captain. The annual subscription was increased from 15/- to £1. 1/-.

In the final of the annual billiards handicap of Ardrossan Liberal Club, John McEwing (scratch) beat Robert Bradley (scratch) by 150 to 129.

At a St. Patrick's Day concert in St Mary's League of the Cross Hall, one of the items was a performance of St. Mary's Star of the Sea Orchester.

Messrs Rowan and Duncan of Beith Academy staff have obtained appointments under London School Board.

West Kilbride Free Church congregation celebrated the semi-jubilee of their pastor, The Rev William MacKenzie by holding a soiree on Wednesday of last week.

The first manufacturers to introduce electric light to their factories in Kilbirnie are W & J Knox Ltd. The installation consists of 140 lamps.

March 31, 1899
"Judas Maccabaeus" is to be rendered by the local Choral and Orchestral Society in the Town Hall, Saltcoats. The chorus and orchestra will number 120. The soloist will be :- Miss Maggie Jacques, Buxton; Mrs Taylor, Glasgow; Mr T Henry Brearley, Leeds, and Mr John Browning, Leeds.

Mr Islay Kerr presided at the Arran Reunion in the Queens Rooms, Glasgow, on Friday night . Special features of the dance programme were the Shiskine Post, Arran Scottische, Lochranza Barn Dance, Kildonan Canter, and "You Never Know Your Luck" Lancers.

The site has been fixed for a mission church at Ardeer.

Kilwinning UP Church have called Rev. George Stirling, Clydebank.

Dalry Free Church congregation have presented the minister the Rev. Arnold Boyd, with gifts on his approaching marriage.

April 7, 1899
Ardrossan Bowling Club have decided to put down the practice of spitting on the green.

Messrs McDowall and Wilson of the Glengarnock Ambulance Class have been presented with medallions.

Whiting Bay Pier, Arran, was opened for traffic on Friday. There was no formal opening ceremony, but when the Marchioness of Lorne arrived Mr Houston, the purser shouted to the crowd waiting to welcome the steamer: "Is this Whiting Bay?" "Yes" was the reply. Then, dashing a champagne bottle against the pier he exclaimed: "I declare this pier well and truly opened." The crowd cheered. Mr Thomas Miller, who for 24 years managed the ferryboats, has been appointed piermaster.

Pupils of the Public School, Lamlash, gave a kinderspiel on Saturday. The accompaniments were played with great skill by Master Joe Davidson, whose work was Mrs Bow.

April 14, 1899
At the annual congregational meeting of Ardrossan Free Church. The Rev RM Adamson was presented with a gold watch and chain and Mrs Adamson with an afternoon tray. Mr John Smith made the presentation. Among the reports submitted at the meeting was one by Peter Kerr intimating that £170 had been sent to the Central Sustentation Fund , an increase of £15.

Mr Arthur G Glen, son of Mr John Glen, of the "Herald" office Ardrossan, has passed the examination of the Pharmaceutical Society and is now a qualified chemist.

On Tuesday Mr John W Butters was appointed rector of Ardrossan Academy. There were 100 applications.

At a representative gathering in the Eglinton Arms Hotel, Ardrossan, Mr James McGilp, purser on the "Glen Sannox", was presented with a gold watch by the travelling and trading public on his leaving to enter the service of the Lochgoil Steamship Company. Mr Charles Murchie made the presentation.

April 21, 1899
Granny McGrattan, Paisley Street, Ardrossan has attained the age of 106 years. She was born at Clochie, County Down, Ireland 1773, and was married 79 years ago, her husband dying 11 years after their marriage. She has recollections of Waterloo, being 22 years of age when the battle was fought.

Mr George M Main, eldest son of Mr Hugh Main, Saltcoats has won the silver medal for second year students at Melbourne Agricultural College.

Big Busbie, a horse belonging to Mr Robert Brown, Kilwinning won the 50 sovereigns race at Kelso on Monday. Mr James Brown, son of the owner, was jockey

April 28, 1899
In Ardrossan's opening bowling game captain J Stewart (president) beat Mr FN Gillies (vice-president) by 132 to 89 and at Saltcoats green, Mr J Stewart (president) beat Mr M Reid (vice-president) by 121 to 84.

Mr Robert Allison, a native of Ardrossan, now in Peru, is forming a company to start a newspaper there, The "Peruvian Mail".

Mr James Wright, engineer, Ardeer Iron Works, has been presented with a purse of sovereigns on the occasion of his leaving for Africa.

James Chalmers of Preston North End is home on a visit to Beith. He has been transferred to Notts County for a sum of £120.

Dalry shopkeepers are discussing the question of having a monthly holiday all the year round.

May 5, 1899
Ardrossan and District Camera Club officials are:- president, Mr Thomas Harvey, Clydesdale Bank; vice-president, Mr William Anderson, Saltcoats, and Mr James Newbigging, Seamill; secretary, Mr JM Comrie, treasurer, Mr James Murray.

The members of E (Saltcoats) Company 1st VB RSF have presented Captain   TD Allan with a barometer and timepiece on the occasion of his marriage. Lieutenant Smith presided at the presentation gathering and Col-Sergeant Reid handed over the gift.

Mr John Stewart Bannatyne has been duly admitted a Law agent to the Lords and Counsel.

The Rev George Stirling was on Tuesday ordained and inducted to the Kilwinning UP Church.

Stevenston Established Church Kirk Session have appointed Mr J Campbell McGregor, Glasgow, to take charge of the new Mission Church in course of erection.

May 12, 1899
At a meeting of Ardrossan Commissioners a motion by Captain Shields that the Commissioners take steps to have a new Town Hall built was agreed to unanimously. It was also agreed to consult architects as to the manner in which the grounds of Kilmahew might most advantageously be laid out for this purpose.

The Rev DA Morrison. BD (son of Mr Walter Morrison, teacher, Dalry), has been appointed assistant to the Rev M McLeod, Inversnaid.

Eglinton Drama Club presented in the Temperance Hall on Thursday and Friday the dramas, The Foundling of the Forest and Jock Howieson. The casts included John Allan, John Woods, William Kerr, John Wilson, John Lynch, James Finnie, James McEwan, James Mathie, R Smith jnr and Misses Rollo, K Lemon and J Lundie.

Mr George Miller, Stevenston, has finished a very successful session at Glasgow University and secured an appointment under Glasgow School Board.

June 9, 1899
The new pipe organ introduced into the west UP Church was inaugurated by a recital by Dr AL Peace, city organist Liverpool.

The Open Golf Championship was again won by Harry Vardon.

A Golf course was opened at Lochranza last Saturday.

The new bowling green at Lamlash built at a cost of £500 is being well patronised.

Mr Robert Brown, farmer, Woodside, Kilwinning, has bought a new race horse.

The annual prize essay of the Bankers' Institute of Scotland has been won this year by Mr William Comrie, Bank of Scotland, Edinburgh, son of Mr Comrie, teacher, Ardrossan, and formerly with Mr James Campbell in the branch of Saltcoats, Mr Hugh Smith, also of the Saltcoats branch, won the prize in 1891.

June 23, 1899
Mr Taylor (gardener to the Rev William Mossie Brown) and Mrs Taylor, Manse Street, Saltcoats celebrated their golden wedding on Monday.

The memorial stone of the new manse for the minister of Lochranza Chapel of Ease was laid on Thursday.

The proposal to form a syndicate to re-open Stevenston Quarry has, it has stated, fallen through.

Mr Thomas Lockhart, Nelson Street, has been appointed janitor of Beith Liberal Association Club in room of Mr Allan Stewart senior, who has resigned.

A pipe organ, gift of Miss Janet Buchanan, Montgomerie Crescent, Saltcoats, was inaugurated in Ardrossan EC Congregational Church on Friday evening. Mr JB Lawson gave a recital.

June 30, 1899
School duxes are: - Ardrossan, Mary Paton and James C McMillan; Saltcoats - Martha M Speir, Meiklelaught, and John Gault.

Winners at Ardrossan Artillery sports included: - Gunners Logan Bain, McIlhattan, Breckenridge, Lambie, James Fullarton, Inglis, James Templeton, William Fullarton, Allan Paton, Gray and Kentley.

Potato sales at Carlung, West Kilbride, established the record price for Ayrshire of an average £32 per acre.

A public presentation was made in the Town Hall, Saltcoats, on Wednesday evening to Dr RS Kinnier on the occasion of his jubilee.

Mr Baxter, FRCO, Huddersfield, has been appointed organist and choirmaster in Dalry Parish Church at a salary of £60 per annum.

July 14, 1899
Ardrossan Commissioners instructed the Town Clerk to write to Lord Eglinton and the Railway Company in support of the proposal to build a bridge across the railway from near the end of Winton Street. The Clerk said they could not take money from the rates for such a purpose.

Yesterday the Rev Spotiswood was ordained to the pastorate of North parish Church, Saltcoats.

A fire took place on Wednesday afternoon in the premises of Mr James Walker, chemist and druggist, Dockhead Street, and the interior of the building was almost wholly consumed.

The Queen's bounty of £3 has been awarded to Mrs McAldon, Lyleston, Kilwinning, mother of triplets born a few days ago. She is the first Segtonian to receive the honorarium.

August 4, 1899
When a boy visitor fell into the Eglinton Dock, Ardrossan on Sunday night, Robert Sim, a labourer, jumped into the water and rescued him.

The rainfall in Saltcoats for July was 4.25 in.

The yacht Shamrock left Fairlie yesterday for America to take part in the America Cup races.

In the final for the Craufurd Cup on West Kilbride Golf Course, Mr JR Simpson beat CA Balderston by 1 up.

Provost Smith, Saltcoats, has intimated his resignation from the Burgh Commissioners on account of pressure of business.

August 25, 1899
Ardrossan is gaining an unenviable notoriety for pocket-picking. It is common knowledge that the frequenters of Mongomerie Pier have had to be warned of the light-fingered fraternity by placards.

In the final of the president's prize on Ardrossan bowling green John Barclay beat John Lambert by 15 shots.

A new instrument called a megaphone by which the voice can be heard a long distance off is coming in favour at football matches.

Last Friday night Captain Murchie unfurled the new banner of the Tree of Life Lodge of Free Gardeners in the Templars' Hall, Ardrossan.

The annual horse fair preceding the Marymass races was held in Irvine on Wednesday. £80 was among the best prices obtained and principal sellers were Mr John Crawford, Beith and Mr Crawford, lochwinnoch.

September 1, 1899
In a cricket match at Beith, Glasgow Rangers football team beat Beith CC by 73 to 53. best local scorers were: - Tacket, 12; Gilmour, 9; and McAughey, 8. In the evening the football cracks enjoyed themselves at the fair ground.

Mr James Harvie, Groatholm, was first in the field with harvesting operations in Kilwinning district.

Notable improvements have been made both in the interior and the frontage of the shops occupied by Mr Conn, Baker, and Mr Aird, draper, in Glasgow Street , Ardrossan.

A New bridge erected over the Cloined Burn, near Lagg, was opened on Saturday.

September 8, 1899
The rainfall for Saltcoats for August was 2.10ins.

Mr W Reid, Ardeer, won the Blythswood Cup played at Bogside golf course. His score, 74, equalled the amateur record for the course.

At a cycling carnival and club championship under the auspices of Eglinton Cycle Club, Kilwinning, on Blacklands track, the winners included William Wilson, D McInnes (5 mile club championship), R Paterson, J Paterson and J McInnes.

The proposal to have name plates on the streets and numbers on the houses in Kilbirnie has been dropped. At the Parish Council meeting the opinion was expressed that Kilbirnie should be a burgh.

Ardrossan No.1 School was finally closed on August 28. The staff transferred to Winton School which was opened on August 29.

September 22, 1899
Rumours are in the air of a fully equipped athletic ground with football field and cycle track being laid in Ardrossan shortly.

Miss MH Campbell, Girvan, has been appointed infants mistress in Kyleshill school, Saltcoats, in succession to Miss Smith, resigned.

In the final tie for a pair of silver mounted walking sticks at Dalry bowling green, Alexander Malcolm and Hugh Graham beat Alexander Sharpe and Samuel Campbell by three shots.

At a gathering of members of Castlehill Athletic F.C. , Ardrossan, Mr Charles Price, their esteemed secretary, was presented with a marble timepiece.

October 6, 1899
The suggestion is made that a beam of concrete blocks be placed across the Stanley Burn between Saltcoats and Ardrossan so that a passage can be had across without having to ascend to the road.

The progress of the 'Shamrock V Columbia" for the America Cup is being announced each day of the race from our publishing office in princess street, Ardrossan, to large crowds. Yesterday, as on Tuesday, the "Shamrock" won, but outside the time limit, and on each occasion the race was declared off.

Complaint is made that the footbridge being constructed over the Blackwaterfoot, Shiskine, should have been made to take vehicular traffic.

A presentation has been made to Mr GWT McGowan, Coatbridge, on his leaving to take up the headmastership of Townend Public School, Dalry.

Mr William Swanston, head gardener at Carlung, West Kilbride, is leaving for another appointment.

October 13, 1899
At Kilwinning Commissioners' meeting the clerk reported that he had written the Chief Constable on the question of providing means for the conveyance of obstreperous persons to the lock up. The Chief Constable had replied that a barrow had been provided in Irvine for the conveyance of drunk and incapable persons but it was hardly ever used and if they desired, they would have it removed from Irvine. The subject was laughingly dismissed.

St Mary's League of the Sea performed two dramas in the League Hall, "The Factory Girl" and "Robert McAire." Among these taking part were Miss L Smyth, and Messrs D White, M Reilly and J Keenan.

In a rifle shooting match Beith Volunteers Company beat Glasgow Bankers Company by 902 to 865.

Kilbirnie Ladeside Bowling Club prize winners for the season were: - Hugh Davies, John Glasgow, James Darroch jnr, John Law jnr, (Auchenbarroch) and William Hughes.

Mr TS Allison's juvenile choir gave a service of song in the Woodside Hall Stevenston.

October 20, 1899
Captain James Little, Caledonia Road, Saltcoats, was presented with a medal gifted to him by the Italian Government in commemoration of a gallant act of rescue on the high seas last year. Hon Thomas Cochrane, MP, made the presentation.

At a meeting in the public School, Stevenston, Dr Wallace was presented with a handsome medical brougham from the people of Stevenston. Mr ES Wilson who had written the address himself, handed it over and Mr Hugh Muir, the chairman, made the presentation of the brougham.

Ardeer Ironworks Bowling Club prizewinners for the season included Joseph Bicket's rink, John Taylor's rink, A Thom, D Kelso, TC Banks, James Scott William Vallance, Alex Duff, Robert Scott, W Reid, John Thomson, Archibald Thomson, H leckie, John Greig, James Scott snr, T Fitzgerald, W McCall, A Wilson, J Duff, A Bone, J Reid, J Fulton, J Gilmour, P Thomson, William Smith and R Taylor.

At the exhibition in London, Mr W McMichael McMurtrie, foreman baker with Messrs SF Miller, Stirling, won a silver medal. He is a son of Mr D McMurtrie, Kilwinning. other members of the family , Thomas and David, recently won high school honours for baking at the Brisbane Industrial Exhibition

October 27, 1899
Ardrossan YM and YMCA's new hall in Harbour Street was opened on Saturday.

Mr Maclaren of Swinlees has been awarded the gold medal of the Scottish Kennel Club for his dog Blackburn Premier being the best spaniel in the show at Edinburgh.

Mr AB Wiseman, Kilbirnie, has been appointed organist and choirmaster in Dalry Free Church in place of Mr James Paul who recently resigned.

The steel screw quarter deck steamer Humber was launched last Saturday from the yard of the Ardrossan Dry Dock and Shipbuilding Co Ltd for Hull owners. This is the first built by the new firm.

Messrs Adam Fairbairn and Daniel C Wilson left Beith on Tuesday for Picher's Creek, Canada.

November 3, 1899
Shops in Saltcoats will now be closed at 7pm and 10pm on Saturdays.

The property in Glasgow Street Ardrossan, used formerly as No.1 Public School, Saltcoats, has been purchased by Ardrossan EU Church for £540.

The licence for the Railway Hotel, Ardrossan, has been transferred from Daniel Roberts to Alex Christie, Glasgow.

Mr J Holmes, Beith has won the Jones Trophy, for the best bird in the tumbler and other sections at the National Poultry Show at the Crystal Palace, London.

November 10, 1899
Mr John Thomson, MA, assistant at Springburn, has accepted the call to be assistant and successor to the Rev George Morris, Dalry.

At Kilbirnie Literary Society's meeting Mr George Dickie gave a paper on: "Should publicans be refused membership". He summed up in favour of publicans being admitted.

November 17, 1899 
During last Friday's storm the four-masted sailing ship "Oberon," on a voyage from Liverpool to Glasgow, was driven ashore on the limpet Craig about 3 1/2 miles North of Ardrossan. Five of the crew were able to land in a ship's boat and the remainder of the 18 persons on board were rescued by the Ardrossan lifeboat, "James Stevens".

On the motion of Bailie Harvey seconded by Mr Bennett, provost Young, Ardrossan, was re-elected and Mr Alex Guthrie , on the motion of Bailie Miller, seconded by Mr RL Alpine, was elected Provost of Saltcoats. Mr Nairn was appointed Provost of Kilwinning.

On Tuesday evening the Countess of Eglinton in the assembly Hall, Ardrossan, presented the parchment of the Royal Humane Society to John Templeton, diver, and Robert Sim, labourer, both of Ardrossan, in recognition of services rendered by them in saving life.

The two tenements in Union Place, Kilwinning, owned by Mr Wilson, late of Little Woodside, have changed hands at £1325

November 24, 1899
At the concert of the Saltcoats branch of the Irish national Foresters, Master John McKie and Miss Ann Smith danced an Irish jig and "brought the house down".

The annual social meeting in connection with the Isle of Arran Quarries. Currie, was held in the new recreation rooms. Mr James McGregor presided.  concert programme was carried through by Mrs McKie, Mrs Johnston, Mrs Campbell, Miss Maggie Russell, and Messrs D Paton, Alex McKie, J Hassett, Alex Mair and Hugh Adam proposed a vote of thanks.
The cast of the Glengarnock and Kilbirnie Amateur dramatic Association in the drama Waiting for the Verdict included Robert McArthur, Gavin Bow, H Glen, Tom Walker, Frank Fraser, RH Sinclair, Maggie Barclay, Andrew McClure jnr, Mark nelson, William Logan, Robert McLaughlan, John Miller, Harry McEwan, J Kerr, Jeannie Orr, Mary McClure, James Tod, John Mackie, IS Geddes, and James Robertson. Two children, Billy Fraser and Robert Miller, also played roles.

December 1, 1899 
The death took place last Saturday of Mr Arthur Guthrie, founder of the Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald in 1853 and later of its various editions. he was in his 75th year.

On Tuesday the Rev John Thomson, MA was ordained and induced colleague and successor to the Rev J George Munro, Dalry UP Church.

Stevenston has of late had quite an importation of Poles and Japanese.

At the farm servants ball in Mrs Kirk's Inn Beith, the Belle of the ball was adjudged to be a Greenrig servants maid.

Mr James Miller won the gold medal of Garnock Angling Club Dalry.

Lady collectors, it is said, are nearly fainting at the sight of the new four-storey building in Sidney Street, Saltcoats. their exclamation is: "Next year - oh! these stairs."

December 8, 1899
At a gathering in the Lesser Town Hall, Saltcoats, Mr John Welsh ("John the Post") who had retired after 47 years service as a postman and was claimed to be the oldest letter carrier in Scotland, was given a public presentation of a cheque for £85 and a clock. Mr Alex Hamilton presided, and the presentation was made by Mr James Campbell, Town Clerk.

Fire broke out in the premises of Mr William Cook, tailor and clothier, main Street, Kilbirnie. Constable Robertson soon arrived with his hose and under the direction of Mr John Jamieson and Mr Robert Walker, a band of workers soon got the fire under control.

Ardrossan Snowflake Amateur Minstrels have allocated £4 15/- among local charities.

The new hall of Saltcoats EU Congregational Church was opened on Wednesday, the Rev George Gladstone. Dundas Street EU Church, Glasgow.

Kilbirnie Castle Amateur Drama Association performed All That Glitters Is Not Gold in the good Templars Hall.

Beith Burns Club have elected Dr Stewart, president; Mr Thomas Smith, vice-president; Mr James S Anderson, secretary and Mr John Short, treasurer.

December 15, 1899
In support of Lord Eglinton's Fund for the families living in Ayrshire of the soldiers serving in the South African War, Ardeer Foundry workers have agreed to make a levy upon themselves in the following proportions: - earnings of £1 per week and under; 2d per week; of over £1 4d per week. Ardeer workers have also agreed to contribute a small sum each week.

Saltcoats Free Church choir on Friday made a presentation to their organist, Alex Ray.

Stevenston Liberal Association office bearers appointed are: - Mr Thomas Oswald, president; Mr J Wylie, vice-president and Mr Matthew Brady, secretary and treasurer.

For their exhibits at the Glasgow poultry show, Mr Thomas Hunter, Halfway Street, West Kilbride, received a first, special and third prize, and Messrs Jack and Craig, also of West Kilbride, was awarded highly commended certificates.

Ex-Baillie Anderson has been appointed chairman of Ardeer Parish Council. Delegates appointed were: - Bailie Harvey, Captain Torrance and Mr Hugh Currie.

December 22, 1899
Mr James Dimmick has been appointed janitor of the new Winton School Ardrossan.

Ardrossan School Board have issued a graduated syllabus of religious instruction to be carried out during the first half hour of each day in the schools under its jurisdiction.

Queen Victoria Jubilee Institute have awarded badges to nurse Greig, Kilbirnie and nurse Williams, Beith, for work done at the institute.

Beith Coral and Orchestral Union (over 100 voices) gave their first programme in the Good Templars' Hall on Tuesday.

Dalry Amateur Dramatic Club gave two performances of the Octoroon. The cast included W Robinson, D Johnstone, A
Wilson, A McAnally, A Gray, W Craig, Master T Wilson, J Jamieson, J Anderson, T Burns, T Barr, W Barr, W Hamilton, T Shields, Misses McClarke, K Boyd, A Gray and M Boyd. Mr A McDonald was orchestra leader.

December 29, 1899 
Mr RM Pollok, Middleton, was appointed convener of the County and the Hon GR Vernon, vice-convener.

A writer complains that the condition of Seabank and Arthur Streets, Saltcoats, is a disgrace to the Commissioners.

Holidays at Ardeer Factory have been shortened on account of pressure of orders.

Through the kindness of Mr James Stevenston, Fairlie, between 60 and 70 tons of coal have been distributed among the poor at Largs.