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Herald Files - Snippets from the Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald

January 5, 1900 
In the 51 parishes in Ayrshire the lowest education rate is 3 1/2 (Craigie) and the highest 1/- (Ballantrae and Damellington). the rate in Ardrossan Parish is 5 1/2d.

Mr James Winning of Station Road, Stevenston, has purchased the vacant piece of ground nearest the G&SW Station for the purpose of erecting a restaurant on a large scale.

At a dramatic and musical entertainment organised by Lady Sophia Montgomerie in the Village Hall, Fairlie, songs were contributed by Miss Wilson, Kelbourne Castle, and Dunlop Hunter, Fairlie, and recitations by Miss A Mongomerie. Roles in the dramatic show were taken by Lady Sophia Montgomerie, Miss Robertson, Highthorn. the Misses Mongomerie, Miss Batts and Mr Caufield.

At the annual social of the Irish National Foresters' Benefit Society, Kilbirnie, the Garnock Valley Minstrels (20 in number) gave a show. The principal performers were: - Messrs William Kerrigan, Charles Quinn, James Gaffney, Hugh Ross, James Fitzpatrick, F Kellett, M Girvan, (conductor), Joseph Hughes, bell and T McGuire.

Mr William Boyd, son of the late Thomas Boyd, South Barr Farm, Beith, is on a visit home after 17 years in the North West territory of Canada.

January 12, 1900
Ardrossan Burgh tradesmen for the year are: - J Hogarth & Co., John Inglis, Crawford and Barbour, Samuel Black & Co., John Allan. and Archibald Crawford.

The fund for equipping Volunteers from Ayrshire for service in the South African War now amounts to £4155.

Mr John Stewart, accountant, has been appointed agent of the Royal Bank of Ardrossan.

At the annual supper and dance given to servants of Ardeer House with their friends by Mr & Mrs Laidlaw, Mr John McNab, gardener, presided, Mr James Gilmour provided the music for the dance.

At Ardrossan Literary Society's "Parliamentary Night." Mr G Guthrie provided a vote of no confidence in the Government (Conservative), and Mr Archibald Crawford spoke in favour of the Government. The Government was defeated.

January 19, 1900
Mr David Blain has been appointed traffic inspector on the G&SW Railway, Ardrossan.

Arrangements are being made in the various Ayrshire towns to give recognition to the men who have volunteered for service in the South African War.

At the annual soiree of the Kilbirnie Free Church SS a musical display by 13 girls and also 10 boys, under Miss McLean, was an attractive part of the programme.

At the annual meeting of Dalry UP Church, it was reported that £900 had been collected during the year, A church door collection for the South African War Fund amounted to £25. The office bearers include Mr Kyle, nether Linn; Mr Gow, Chapelhill, and Mr Fulton, Pitcon.

February 2, 1900
The 12 members of the Saltcoats Corps of Rifles who volunteered and were accepted for services at the front for the Boer War were honoured at great meetings held on Saturday and Sunday evenings in the Town Hall, Provost Guthrie presided and Mrs Guthrie presented each of the men with a long list of gifts. Captain Allan and Sergeant Becket replied. In many other Ayrshire towns similar meetings and presentations took place, Donald McGhee, Stevenston's only volunteer accepted for the front, received a presentation from his fellow workers.

Mr George Johnstone, guard on the Caledonian Railway and one of the best known exhibitors at Ardrossan Flower Show, has been promoted to a position in Glasgow. Mr Simpson, Stationmaster, Ardrossan, made a presentation to him.

Last Thursday evening the Brodick Burns Club celebrated the Burns anniversary. Twenty one members sat down to supper in the Public Hall. Mr Robert Currie proposed "The immortal Memory" and other speakers included Mr Adolph Ribeck and Mr HM Reid, secretary. The chairman said this was the first Burns Supper ever held on the Isle of Arran.

February 9, 1900
Early on Sunday morning the Beith Liberal Association Rooms were burned down.

At the 134th Arran Reunion in the Queen's Rooms, Glasgow on Friday, Mr James Allan Balmacoole presided.

Mr Scott, on the staff of Ardrossan Post Office, has been appointed to take charge of the Post Office at West Kilbirnie.

Corporal JM Ritchie of the Ayrshire Yeomanry, who was about to join an detachment for the front in the Boer War was presented with gifts at a public meeting in the Mission Hall, West Kilbride.

Curling games have been taking place this week on the ponds in the district.

February 16, 1900
On Friday last a fall of snow, said to be the highest within living memory, took place in the district. The snow was 10 to 12 inches deep on the streets, and railway and other traffic was seriously interfered with.

Surgeon General J Jamieson, CB, Director-General of the Army Medical Service, a native of Kilbirnie, has had conferred upon him by the German Emperor, the medal instituted in memory of the late Emperor Wilhelm.

In the South African War General Fuller's second attempt to force a way to Ladysmith was unsuccessful.

Ardrossan Literary Society, in a debate, decided by a majority that Members of Parliament should be paid. Mr William Gilroy and Mr Turner moved the affirmative and Mr Arthur Craig and Mr Daniel Harvey, the negative. A number of members from the Saltcoats Society took part.

Kilwinning's population was estimated at over 4000. The births for the year numbered 163 and the deaths 86. The death rate was 21.5.

February 23, 1900
When Mary Morris, Charwoman, struck a match to light the gas in the room of the manager, Mr Craig, at Ardrossan Harbour office, there was a large explosion. The woman miraculously escaped with a few burns, but about £299 damage was done to the property.

The new public hall in West Kilbride was opened on Friday afternoon by Mrs Arthur of Carlung. Among those who took part were Mr Adams of Overton (chairman), The Rev JC Balderstone, Mr Macnee, secretary, Colonel Hunter-Weston, The Rev John Lamb, The Rev William Mackenzie, Mr Shedden, joiner, and Mr Paterson, architect.

Mr John Nichol has passed with credit as chief mate.

At the annual social of the Glengarnock and Kilbirnie Amateur Dramatic Association, Mr John Miller handed over a presentation to Mr George McGoogan, secretary.

March 2, 1900
The new Junior Football team, Saltcoats Volunteers, played their first game at Brewing Field on Saturday, February 17. In a Caledonian and District Cup tie they beat Beith Caledonia by 4-2.

Kilwinning amateur dramatic players produced the dramas, Bitter Cold and The Colleen Bawn. The principal roles were taken by Messrs John Allan, William Black, John Wood, John Aird, J Crawford and Alex Muir.

At Ardrossan Sou-Western Ambulance Class social, presentations were made to Dr Carrick Allan and Mr Nisbet. Awards were presented to the following: - certificates - William Garry, Francis Morgan, William Wakefield, Henry Simpson, Alex Gardner, peter McMurray; medallions - John Millar, James Buchanan, James Gilbert, John Brodie, John Gemmill, Thomas Price and Alex Kerr.

March 9, 1900
Captain Herbert S Sykes, who was killed in action on February 28 in the South African War, was for five years Adjutant of the Saltcoats Volunteers RSF.

As a result of the South African War, the budget submitted to Parliament on Monday imposed increased taxation. Income tax was raised from 8d in the £ to 1/-. The beer duty was increased from 6/9d per barrel of 36 gallons; tobacco from 2/9d to 3/- per lb; foreign cigars from 5/- to 6 per lb.; spirits from 10/6d to 11/- a gallon; and tea from 4d to 6d per lb.

Mr John Nicol, Ardrossan and Mr Adam Howie Troon have passed as chief mates.

Mr and Mrs Alexander Frew, Auchenharvie Cottage, Saltcoats, celebrated their golden wedding on Friday evening.

March 16, 1900
Saltcoats Commissioners are going to plant 25 trees on the north side of Caledonia Road. Captain Torrance said there never was a tree planted around Saltcoats that was any good.

Ardrossan Parish Council have rescinded a motion passed last year with reference to the acquiring of a site near Stanley Burn for the purpose of erecting therein a council office.

The British troops have captured Blomfontein, capital of the Free State of South Africa.

The flax sorters in the employment of W&J Knox, Kilbirnie, have been granted an advance. They are now permitted to earn 56/- a fortnight.

Robert Thomson, 9 Wilson Street, School, has passed the examination for boy copyist (300 vacancies and 600 competitors) and will probably be appointed to London or Edinburgh.

March 23, 1900
The Chief Constable of Ayrshire states in his annual report that of the 4462 offences committed during the year 1899, more than 68 per cent, were directly the result of drunkenness.

At a bakery exhibition in Manchester, Mr William Conn, baker, Glasgow Street, Ardrossan, was commended for his exhibit in the bread section.

The Rev Philip McColl, a former priest of St Marys RC Church, Saltcoats, was on Friday evening presented with a gold watch and a cheque for £50 from his former parishioners in Saltcoats and Ardrossan.

The amount collected by and for the congregation of Saltcoats Free Gaelic Church during the past year was £1065 of a total income of £1116.

March 30, 1900
Mr James Black, eldest son of Mr S Black, Ardrossan, has joined the Mounted Sharp-Shooting Corps and sails for South Africa next week.

Colonel Sergeant Nelson of Stevenston, serving in South Africa with the 1st Gordon Highlanders, has received honourable mention for bravery.

Mr and Mrs Daniel Baillie Pierpoint South Dakota, have celebrated their silver wedding . Mr Baillie is a Dalry native.

Mr James H Orr, Bank of Scotland, Dennistoun, Glasgow, is among the prizewinners of the bankers' prize in the examination on a course of lectures. he is the son of Mr William Orr, watchmaker, Saltcoats, and was trained in the Ardrossan branch under the late Mr Mack.

April 6, 1900
Mrs Currie, Ritchie Street, West Kilbride, has received a letter from her son, Private Fred Currie, of the 2nd Battalion Gordon Highlanders, one of the gallant defenders during the long siege of Ladysmith. private Currie reports to be in the best of health.

At the closing meeting of Stevenston and Ardeer Ambulance Class, the following were presented with awards:- medallions - Messrs WA McGillivray, WJ Nicolson, and J Hutchison; certificates - Messrs R Banks, J Forsyth, A McKelvie, James McWhinnie, J Thomson, RH Turnbull, JT Whitton, James Withers and Rev C McGregor.

The income tax is at the rate of 1/- in the £ for the year commencing April 6, 1900.

April 13, 1900
At the annual social of the Caledonian Railway Ambulance Class in Ardrossan, Mr Frame, captain of the team, presented Dr MacDonald, the lecturer, with a silver bowl. The medallions were presented to:- T Black, J Speedie and W Stewart and Certificates to J Haddow, J McCallum, W Hardie, R Alcorn, J Anderson and S McNamara.

Saltcoats Liberal Club Rooms were officially opened with an exhibition game between Messrs W Anderson and Fox and Messrs Gilroy and R Bradley, which was won by the latter pair.

A row of thatched houses in the Corsehill, Kilwinning, was burned to the ground, while the mansion house of Easterhill, Dalry was totally destroyed by fire.

Saltcoats and Ardrossan sent £201 and £231 respectively to the Lord Lieutenant's war Relief Fund.

April 20, 1900
Ardrossan Dry Dock and Shipbuilding Co. Ltd launched on Wednesday the cargo steamer "Glassford" with a carrying capacity of 375 tons.

Mr RS Lyon, a native of Stevenston, was second in the Snow-Shoeing Championship of British Columbia, being beaten only by a few feet.

Mr Thomas Lovell, a native of Croftfoot, West Kilbride, has made his mark as a contractor and builder in Denton Texas.

Dr William McGilchrist Montgomery, eldest son of Captain Mongomery, Saltcoats, has obtained the DFM degree.

April 27, 1900
John McInnes, Saltcoats, son of Mr William McInnes, stationer, is a prizewinner at Glasgow University, and Marshall Tait, son of George Menzies, teacher, Saltcoats, has obtained the MA degree.

Mr William Frew, Great & South Western Railway station master, Ardrossan, has been appointed station master at Kilmarnock. Mr Charles McKay, agent for GJ Burns, Ardrossan, has been appointed assistant agent in the firm's Belfast office.

The members of the North Parish Church Bible Class have presented the Rev JR Spottiswoode with an umbrella and hall stand.

Mr Hugh Muir, brickwork foreman, Auchenharvie Colliery and Brickworks, Stevenston, was made a presentation by the workers on leaving for another appointment. Mrs Muir was also honoured.

Major Bunstein's house and grounds, Kilwinning, were sold last week to Mr William Crawford, Kilwinning. The house stands at the south end of the Green and was built in 1681 by Major Hew Bunstein, an old soldier of the Commonwealth on ground said to have been granted by Cromwell. In 1670 Major Bunstein acquired Law Castle and the lands of West Kilbride.

May 4, 1900
A Petition by North Parish Church, Saltcoats, for the erection and endowment of a parish was approved by the Irvine Established Presbytery.

Mr John Auchencloss, Brierwood, Saltcoats, in an examination for clerkship in the Register House, Edinburgh, and Mr Ivle D Gemmell, Whitehall, Ardrossan, in the Glasgow Post Office competition, were well up on the respective successful lists.

Operations have begun on Paddockholm ground, Kilbirnie, for construction of the new railway from Johnstone to Dalry.

Lance-Corporal Hamilton M Glen, Kilbirnie, received a presentation on leaving for active service in South Africa.

The Rev WW Fulton, BD Beith, has been appointed assistant minister in Irvine Parish Church in succession to the Rev J Morrison, BD removed to Stirling.

May 11, 1900
Kilbirnie and Beith masons have gone on strike owing to to the masters' decision to reduce their wages from 9d to 8d an hour.

new JPs for Ayrshire include:-  John Young, West Doura, Kilwinning and George A Grant, Hayocks, Stevenston.

West UP Church, Saltcoats, has called the Rev JW Purves, MA.

Saltcoats Bowling club's skips are:- Messrs Hugh Thomson, Robert Raeside, Archibald Ritchie, Matthew Reid, Alex Thom,

Thomas Smith, Ed Dornan, Gilbert Armour, and Robert Pennell.

At Kilwinning Cattle Show the leading prizewinners were:- cattle - best female, William Brown, Townhead; best male, David Reid, Benthead. Horses - best mare or gelding, John Dunlop, Woodside.

May 18, 1900
Ardrossan Dry Dock and Shipbuilding Co are hampered by insufficient docking accommodation/ The "Coringa", in for repairs, was too large for the accommodation available. but the Coy was not intent on losing the job and they had the vessel put in the Commercial Dry Dock, Greenock and repaired there.

Constable John Anderson, Stevenston has been promoted to the headquarters as sergeant and has been succeeded in Stevenston by constable Peter Cairns from Hurlford. Constable Robert Miles is to be transferred from Stevenston to Beith.

Mr Jas. Wylie, the Stevenston artist, has painted a life-size portrait of his own son, who is about five years of age. The work reflects credit on the artist.

At a social in the Commercial Rooms, Ardrossan members of The Boilermakers' Society made presentations to Mr Collin Morrison of the Ardrossan Shipbuilding yard in recognition of his service to society.

Leading scorers in the Dalry Volunteers shooting competition were: Pte Chalmers, Pte Barclay, Pte Lammie, Pte Hairney, Pte W Neil, Pte Wood and Pte Golloghly.

May 25, 1900
The relief force entered Mafeking on the morning of May 17. On Friday night and Saturday there were great rejoicings throughout Ayrshire and the whole of the country. Towns were beflagged and bonfires, fireworks, dances and celebrations. On Sunday thanksgiving services were held in many churches.

Whiting Bay Free Church Sabbath School Class have presented a handsome Bible to Miss J Stewart on her leaving Whiting Bay.

Office bearers of Ardrossan Cycle Club are:- Messrs Gavin Thomson, James Thomson, George Thomson, Robert Shaw, D McInnes, Alex Barclay, H McBride, J Baird and W Craig.

At the annual meeting of Troon Golf Club the question of increasing the annual subscription to £2 will be considered.

June 1, 1900
The Iron ore labourers at Ardrossan harbour are on strike. They demand an increase of the rate of wages from 2 3/4d per ton to 3 1/4d. about 200 men are affected.

Mr Watt, teacher, was presented with a travelling bag by members of the chemistry class held in Kyleshill School.

On Friday evening the pipe organ placed in the UP Church, Ardrossan, was inaugurated by Mr JB Lawson.

A purse of sovereigns was presented at a public social gathering to constable John McLaren, Glengarnock, on his retiral from the constabulary.

Mr William Frew, recently promoted from the agency of the Great & South Western Railway Company at Ardrossan to a similar post at Kilmarnock was honoured at a dinner in the Eglinton Arms Hotel. Mr Thomas Kirkhope made the presentation which included a purse containing 85 sovereigns.

June 8, 1900
Charles Gallagher announces that he has opened premises at 40 Glasgow Street, Ardrossan, as a high-class tailoring establishment.

The Ayrshire branch of the Educational Institute of Scotland has recommended Mr Davidson, headmaster, Lamlash, School, for the FEIS honour.

Mr Hugh B Provan, Girvan, has succeeded Mr Frew as stationmaster at Great & South Western Railway Station, Ardrossan.

Beith Bowling Club won the Eglinton Silver Bowl.

About 30 of the show people who attended the Fair at Kilbirnie last week were entertained by Kilbirnie YWCA at Ladyland School.

June 15, 1900
The soldier-like qualities of Colonel Blair, of Blair, Dalry, who commanded the 4th Division (the Yeomanry) in the South African war, have been singled out for special mention.

Ardrossan Good Templars have presented a gold bangle to Miss Maggie Paton on the occasion of her leaving for America.

Mr David Jackson, superintendent Ardrossan Salt Water Baths, has retired. The baths are now superintended by Mr Thomas Beattie and his wife who had charge of the coffee and reading rooms while the Eglinton Dock was under construction.

Mr Dan C Wilson, Beith, who left for America last year, has joined the teaching profession there.

June 22, 1900
Mr John Edwards, MA. science master in the Secondary Department of Carluke Public School, has been appointed assistant science master of Ardrossan Academy.

Mr Thomson, boat builder, Ardrossan, launched last Thursday a herring trawler boat for Mr John McIntyre, Campbelltown. She was named "The Brothers".

Mr Robert Henderson, late of Ardrossan, has been appointed Secretary to HM Customs and Mr William Muir, also late of Ardrossan, will succeed Mr Henderson in the Collectorship of the Port of London.

Stevenston is to have an open air concert at an early date by the combined church choirs.

The Glasgow University Herbarium Prize has been awarded to Miss Jessie Auld, Kilwinning, a science and medical student at Queen Margaret College, Glasgow, and a demonstrator in botany at the Technical College.

June 29,1900
On Tuesday the Rev James W Purvis, MA, Edinburgh, was ordained and inducted  to the pastorate of Saltcoats West UP Church in succession to the Rev J Brand Scott, BD. At the ordination dinner, Mr John Armour presided and at the soiree,

The The Rev William McGilchrist, BA was in the chair, and Mrs Ronald, on the call of Bailie Blakely, invested the minister with the robes of office.

Lauriston Lodge, South Crescent, Ardrossan, the property of Mr George Ballantyne, has been disposed of privately to Mr RL Alpine, shipbroker.

In a glass ball shooting competition at Seamill for a prize by Mr James Oliphant, the winners were:- I McCauley, Fairlie; 2, McKinnie, West Kilbride; 3, Muir, Fairlie.

At Glasgow Grocers Exhibition, T & W Gibson, bakers, Dalry, were awarded a diploma for pan bread.

July 6, 1900
Ardrossan Harbour workers strike has ended. They claimed an advance of 1/2d per ton for the discharge of iron ore and have accepted 1/4d which will raise the rate to 3d per ton.

Mr George Menzies, Saltcoats, recently won two first prizes in angling competitions.

The DUX Boy of Ardrossan Academy is William Simpson, West Kilbride.

In the Glasgow and Ayrshire bowling match for the Eglinton Cup, Ayrshire won by 440 shots. Saltcoats won fourth prize.

Mr Cochrane of Irvine has been appointed keeper of the Conservative Club, Kilwinning in place of Mr James Robertson, who has received a similar appointment at West Kilbride.

July 13, 1900
Saltcoats Burgh rates are 10 1/2d on owners and 1/8 1/2d on occupiers, Kilwinning's total rate was 1/4 1/2d.

Miss Lizzie Hunter, the popular Saltcoats vocalist, is to be married on Wednesday to Mr Donald Munro. Their home will be in Banchory.

Mr James Brown, youngest son of Mr David Brown, blacksmith, West Kilbride, has gained first prize in English, Latin and French at Irvine Academy.

Mr John Henderson jnr was presented with the Parkhill Cup and gold medal won by him in the race from Thurles, Ireland, at a social meeting of Dalry Homing Society.

The sum of £118 was raised at the annual sale of work at West Kilbride Free Church. master Archibald McBean presented a bouquet of flowers to Mrs Arthur of Bradshaw and Carlung, who opened the sale.

July 20, 1900
Smith Bros, lessees, intimate that good sand fro the quarry at the back of Eglinton Street, Ardrossan, can be had at 6d per cart.

Fifty cross-bred hens 2/3d each are advertised by James Marshall, Parkview Cottage Kirkland, Kilbirnie.

A two-day sale was opened yesterday in the Parish Hall, Lamlash, in aid of the formation of a fund to provide the annual salary of a trained nurse for the locality.

Jon McKay, Auchanmade, Kilwinning, was first in the examination for free scholarships to Higher Class schools in Ayrshire regarding Irvine Academy, while Thomas Hunter, Janefield, Beith was first-placed for Spiers Schools in that town.

July 27, 1900
The first serious accident to steamers of the G and J Burns line took place last Saturday when the Alligator light from Ardrossan and the Dromedary, with 600 returning holidaymakers from Belfast, collided in a fog in Belfast Lough. The total number of casualties was about 60, including nine killed and missing. Both vessels were considerably damaged. Among the injured were two Stevenston men - Bernard Brown, 35 New Street, and John McCann, 85 Boglemart.

Saltcoats League of the Cross Society gave two dramatic performances  - Bitter Cold and Factory Girl on Thursday, and Octeroon on Friday.

Sergeant - Instructor Martin, Dalry, has been appointed school board officer for Dalry.

Private Hugh Gray, Beith, won several prizes at the Bisley Rifle Meeting.

Around 70 people attended an impromptu dance in the granary of the Home Farm at Portencross. Mr James Robertson was MC.

August 3, 1900
Dr AM McIntosh, who was assistant to Dr Wallace in Stevenston before going to Dysart, has been presented with a gold watch by friends in the town. Mr George Sinclair presided at the presentation and the gift was handed over by Mr Doherty.

Messrs Jack and Westwood were injured during a recent West Kilbride Cycle Club outing after colliding with two other cyclists proceeding in the other direction, but they have now recovered. On Monday night another club member, Mr John Dymock fell and broke his collarbone after a lady cyclist lost control of her machine and ran in front of him.

The parcel post system reached its seventh birthday on Wednesday.

Under the auspices of Shiskine Golf Club a competition on Saturday was won by Miss Henderson with a score of 129. Miss Miller was second with 133.

Among the appointments to bursaries made by the Governors of Spier's School, Beith, were:- Junior - James Munn, James Stevenson;  Senior - Hugh Higgins (Kilbirnie), John Gray (Glengarnock), Alex Fulton and Arthur Bowman (EU Manse).

August 10, 1900
Mr Thomas Guthrie, of John Emslie & Guthrie has been appointed Procurator Fiscal for Ardrossan.

Robert Wyllie, Kilbirnie, at the Octavia (Greenock) Cycle Club Sports on Saturday won the three miles, five miles, 10 miles and 25 miles races.

The new institute at the Eglinton iron Works, Kilwinning, was formally handed over yesterday by the donor, Mr William Weir of Kildonan.

Mr John Niven, Howgate, Kilwinning won the £25 first prize in the Gourock bowling tournament.

August 17, 1900
In a letter from the South African front Sergeant Alex Beckett, 2nd RSF, gave news of the Saltcoats lads.

Six pupils of Eglinton School, Ardrossan, out of seven presented with the Merit Certificate have passed. The successful scholars were:- WF Barclay, RF Blythe, AC Wilson, R Gardner, HG Smith WA Wither.

The steamer County Clare, built for Liverpool owners, was launched at Ardrossan on Friday. She is 135ft in length.

Nobel's Explosives Company Ltd. have opened a new factory named The Regent on ground acquired near Linlithgow.

It is stated that the erection of the new constabulary station in Stevenston has had a salutary effect on evil-doers.

August 24, 1900    (note: actually dated 17th as the previous)
The steel screw steamer 'County Clare' built for Liverpool owners, was launched at Ardrossan on Friday. She is 135ft in length.

An ancient burial ground has been unearthed in the sands between Stevenston and Irvine. Mr Joseph Downes, Cochrane Street, Irvine, was identified with the discovery.

The Ardrossan Co-op Society's 120th quarterly report shows a record financial return of 7549. Mr Robert Alexander is president and Mr William Templeton is secretary.

Nobel's Explosives Company Ltd. have opened a new factory named The Regent on ground acquired in Linlithgow.
It is stated that the erection of the new constabulary station in Stevenston has had a salutary effect on evil-doers.

August 30, 1900
A Stevenston man, James Nelson of the Gordon Highlanders, has been wounded in South Africa.

Irvine's annual horse fair was held in Eglinton Street. cart horses sold for up to 75.

Mr Andrew Hunter, Viewpark, Beith, has received a prize of £1 for a portrait study in connection with the Warwick Dry Plate Company competition.

A parlour grate, brass canopy and tiled hearth complete is advertised for sale at 30/-.
Among the leading prizewinners at Kilwinning flower show were G Richmond, Wm Gemmell, Jas Coltart, Wm Halbert, D Gibson and J Noble.

September 7, 1900
Saltcoats free Gaelic congregation have adopted for the church a new designation - South Beach Church.

Students in Ardrossan Academy Science and Art classes who have passed the examinations include John McGill, George Nichol, William Smith, Joseph Dimmock, Alexander Duff, James Fullarton, Joseph Hamilton, James McLarty, John Wilson, and James McNaught.

Mr Hugh Spiers, a native of Dalry, carries on a successful blacksmith's business in Bunker Hill, USA.

On Dalry Bowling Green Andrew Holborn beat Robert Howie junior in the final of the President's Prize competition. In the final of Ardrossan Bowling Club championship, AC Wood beat James Tyre 21 - 14.

September 14, 1900
At Saltcoats Commissioners' meeting when the bathing pond accounts were being considered, Captain Torrance said; "I was thinking a shot of dynamite should be put into that pond some night. Blow it to atoms and relieve the town of a tax."

The hairdressers of West Kilbride, Ardrossan, Saltcoats, Stevenston, Kilwinning and Irvine, have formed a union. Prices fixed are:- shaving from 1 1/2d; haircutting, 4d; boys' haircutting, 3/6; beard trimming, 2d. Hours are 8am till 8pm (9pm on
Fridays and 10pm on Saturdays). Mr William Pollock, Stevenston, has been appointed secretary. JP Miller won the Beith bowling green championship. the double-handed tournament was won by James Smith and Alex Johnstone.

September 21, 1900
Mr Patrick Murray, of Murray & Co fish merchants and auctioneers, Saltcoats, gallantly rescued an 11-year-old boy who had fallen into the water at Saltcoats harbour on Tuesday. Throwing off his coat, he jumped in and brought the boy to safety. The boy's name was William Roy and he was son of Edward Roy, dynamite worker.

On friday afternoon damage to the hall adjoining the Free Church, Stevenston, was caused by fire. The church was slightly damaged by smoke and the congregation worshipped in Woodside Hall on Sunday.

last Saturday the new golf course at Machrie Bay, Arran, was formally opened by Mr R Carnaby Foster of Dongarie Lodge, accompanied by Her Grace the Duchess of Hamilton, lady Mary and Lord Suffolk.

Fellow workers of Mr James Gilmour at Ardeer Ironworks have presented him with a timepiece and ornaments on the occasion of his leaving for a situation in Lanarkshire.

September 28, 1900
In a writing competition for the public schools of north Ayrshire under the auspices of the Singer manufacturing Company, the second prize was won by Archibald McKenzie, son of Mr McKenzie, Dockhead Street, Saltcoats.

Mr Patrick McFarlane has been appointed coxswain of Ardrossan lifeboat in place of Mr John Wylie, who has resigned, and Mr William Hamilton is seco9nd coxswain.

Messrs Anders Brothers, the well known Dalry photographers, have opened a fine branch studio in Springburn.

The office-bearers of the Science Association, Kilbirnie, include Parish Councillor Henderson, Messrs John Fyfe, Joseph Kerr, James Cook, Gavin Riddet, John S Partridge and RW McClure.

October 5, 1900
Mr JM Hodge, formerly stationmaster at South beach, Ardrossan has received an appointment on the Central London Railway, popularly known as the tube.

Among the winners of Campbell-Brisbane Trust bursaries for Saltcoats pupils were Davis Wallace, Sidney Street, and William Drysdale, Caledonia Road.

William Allison, Robert Baillie and James White have been re-elected directors of the Kilwinning Gas Company.

Kilwinning public Library has 1500 volumes and 78 readers.

In club matches during the season Saltcoats Bowling Club won six and lost three and were 88 shots up. The principal prizewinners were Andrew Shaw, Alex Thom, Archibald Ritchie, Gilbert Armour, Robert Reside, John Breckenridge and DM Scott.

October 12, 1900
The Hon Thomas Cochrane (Unionist) was returned top Parliament for North Ayrshire by a majority of 1194 and Mr Charles L Orr-Ewing (Unionist) for Ayr Burghs by a majority of 520.

Mr George Hodge, Eglinton District School, Kilwinning, has been appointed organist of UP Church, Stevenston.

Master William L Kirkwood, son of Mr Andrew Kirkwood, Broadstone Hall, Beith, has been awarded the Spier's School University Bursary of £20, tenable for three years.

the water works for the supply of Fairlie were formerly opened last Saturday. the Earl of Glasgow was present and Mrs Bulloch performed the opening ceremony.

The "Argo", a steel screw steamer of 850 tons deadweight was launched at Irvine on October 11.

October 19, 1900
At the General Election the Unionist Government was returned with a majority of 193. For the first time in history of the Reformed parliament the Liberal Party are in a minority in Scotland. The Government have a majority of two.

Mr Alexander Fletcher, formerly of Irvine Forge Company, and recently of St. Peter's Forge, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, has been appointed Inspector of Forgings in connection with Lloyd's Register of Shipping.

Mr Alex Borthwick MacKay, son of the Rev James McKay, assistant minister at Ardeer, has taken an MA degree with first-class honours in mental philosophy at Glasgow University.

The upper part of the building occupied by Mr Leslie Lauder as an aerated water manufacturer in James Street, Dalry, was destroyed by fire on Saturday afternoon.

Shiskine Golf Club's monthly medal competition was won by John Bannatyne (23), 85, Samuel Robertson and A McBride.

November 2, 1900
The union between between the Free and the United Presbyterian Churches of Scotland was consummated on Wednesday.

At a magic lantern entertainment to children of Ardrossan Free Church Sunday School, Mr Hastings, superintendent, presided. Mr Brown of the Co-operative store manipulated the lantern.

In Beith Unionist Clubroom, Mr Thomas Dunlop played JD Fane, The English champion trick billiards player. The local player who was conceded 250 in a game of 600 up, won by 600 to 500.

Miss Maggie Turnbull, Bowden, Lerwick, has been appointed headmistress of the Industrial School Kilbirnie.

The funeral of Miss Nelly Berryman, of 1 Caledonian Road, Glengarnock, and a member of the Christian Brethren, brought out one of the largest gatherings of mourners and spectators ever seen in the locality.

November 9, 1900
During the storm yesterday morning the steamer "Emily" on charter by Nobel's Explosives Company and with 60 tons of cordite on board, went ashore on the Longcraigs, Ardrossan. The lifeboat, admirably handled by Coxswain McFarlane, brought into the harbour the crew of five.

The Northern District branch of Ayr County Council have appointed as sanitary inspector Mr Alex McKnight, Kellybank Cottage, Stevenston.

On the final of the Kilwinning Conservative Club billiards handicap, AE Street beat R Howie jnr, Robert Service, Bridgend, won third prize.

November 16, 1900
Mr Will D Barclay, son of captain Barclay, Saltcoats, has been appointed by Messrs Fisher, Allmonda and Company as head of their sailing ship chartering department.

In the Caledonian Railway Society Ambulance Competition, Ardrossan were second, only two points behind the winners, Edinburgh. The Ardrossan team was:- J Frame (captain), Albert Clark, Thomas Terret, Peter McCallum and John Simon.

Among the Ayrshire winners at the National and Poultry and Pigeon Show at Crystal Palace, London were:- R Auld and T Thorburn, Prestwick; R Hutton, Troon; R Houston jnr, West Kilbride; R Begg, Dalry; J Blane, Irvine; A Crawford, Stevenston, and J Holmes, Beith.

Mr James Dickie, Town Clerk of Irvine, has purchased the farm of Knockewart, near Ardrossan, for £7500.

November 25, 1900
A meeting of Whiting Bay Free Church congregation took place to consider the union question. The church door was locked, by order it was said, of the moderator and Clerk of Presbytery, but access was obtained by the window and when the door was opened around 150 people took to their seats. It was reported that they unanimously resolved to disown the jurisdiction of Ardrossan United Free Presbytery, and remain a congregation of the Free Church. They also resolved to retain the church buildings, and hold services as soon as possible.

Mr Robert Sheddon, Beith has been appointed editor of Glasgow University magazine.

The Great & South-Western Railway Company have collected the removal of their crushing ballast works from Hurlford to Dalry. between 20 and 30 bands are employed.

Mr John Auld, formerly with H King and Sons, solicitors, Kilwinning has been appointed agency superintendent of the North British Mercantile Insurance Company of Edinburgh.

November 30, 1900
Mr John McInnes, son of Mr William McInnes, stationer, Saltcoats, has gained the Blackstone Medal for Greek at Glasgow University.

Mr William McKinnon, late trooper in the South African War, has been mentioned in dispatches. he is a son of Mr John McKinnon, Queenstown (a native of Ayr).

The Monthly Medal final in Beith St Inan's golf course was won by W Harrower (8) 47.

Mr Andrew Macaulay left Montfode, Ardrossan for his new farm in Fifeshire on November 28.

G and SW Railway are applying for powers to establish a hotel and golf course at Turnberry.

December 14, 1900
Saltcoats Burgh Commissioners have elected Mr White to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Dr Campbell.

Mr Alexander Hamilton has been appointed chairman of Ardrossan Town Council in succession to Mr John Anderson.

Fifty couples attended the Ardrossan Cycle Club ball in the Drill Hall. Messrs Love and McInnes were MCs and Mr R Shaw was secretary. The music was supplied by Mr Roy's band, Stevenston.

December 21, 1900
On Monday the head office staff (Glasgow) of Nobel's Explosive Company presented to Mr Finlay, accountant of the company in commemoration of his having completed his semi-jubilee in their services. Mr Finlay mentioned that the staff in the Glasgow office amounted to 46.

Sheriff Brand has found "Dalry is suitable for being formed into a Police Burgh."

At a grand assembly held by Lamlash Literary Club, Hugh Cameron was MC and Charles Boa's band provided the music.
There are 1427 pupils on the roll in Kilbirnie and Glengarnock schools.

Saltcoats Liberal Club billiards tournament resulted: 1, William Reid; 2, Thomas Reid; 3, D Campbell and 4 Francis Reid. The three Reids are brothers.

December 28, 1900
Ardrossan UF Presbytery have sustained a call from Kilbirnie East Church to Mr John Wypers, BD Aberdeen, and a call from St Johns, Largs to the Rev JB Geddes, east Wemyss, as a colleague and successor to the Rev Dr Watson.

Mr James C Speirs, grocer West Kilbride has been appointed organist of Ardrossan EU Congregational Church.

A public presentation was made to constable McKenzie, West Kilbride, on his being transferred to Girvan.

At the League of the Cross, Saltcoats annual social, Mr R McGee was MC at the dance.

The lands of Moddsdale in the parish of Largs extending to 280 acres are offering for sale at the upset price of £4500.